When I was a little girl I always noticed that all the adults in my life had keys. There were keys to cars, keys to homes, keys to desk drawers, keys to work buildings and more. One key in particular that I remember was the key to the shed in my backyard when I lived in central Kentucky. My day had that key on the clump of keys he carried around on a regular basis. I remember following him to the back yard (as daddy's girls do) and watching him rustle his fingers through the innumerable amount of keys until he found the one for the shed. He slid that key into the lock on the latch that held the door shut, and as slick as a whistle turned that thing and the lock sprung open. He would then proceed to bring out the lawnmower and I would go play out in the fenced-in yard while I watched him ride around surrounded by the loud hum and smell of freshly cut grass.
I tell that story because I just realized how many keys I have acquired myself since I moved into my own apartment. I mentioned to a friend just the other day how amazed I was, and how mature I felt with the collection of keys I have obtained as well as the fact that I could remember which key opens what. The reason being that I could never quite understand how the adults in my life could keep up with all that until I had to do it myself.

Keys are a great responsibility to carry. You must be sure they don't get lost and that you memorize what secret each key unlocks. And when you think about it we are always holding them close to us. I find scripture to be the same way. We can read through the entire Bible and see the thousands of verses that God has given us the responsibility to carry in our hearts, but we rarely pick up that clump of memory verses and use them. Like keys the words of God unlock many wonderful secrets and things God wants to tell us if we only took the time to listen.
I personally, have a difficult time memorizing things. I hate anything that requires me to read. I hate to force my brain to choke itself on words that I will vomit out on a piece of paper, and leave there to be cleaned up by someone who is paid to write a letter on my paper. (Yes I am a bad test taker) But something my mom always tried to teach me was to hide God's words in my heart. The only way to bring them out would be to search my memory for the right key to recite the verse that God felt would be helpful in that moment.
I will be honest, up until just a few weeks ago I was not hiding God's word in my heart and building my collection of biblical keys on the key ring of my memory. But I have realized the importance of it so I thought I would share with you guys some things that God says about locking his words away in your heart.
What God Says About It
In the Bible there are many places where we are commanded to memorize the scriptures. Here are a few examples.

Psalm 119:11
Your word I have treasured in my heart, that I may not sin against You.
Psalm 37:31
The law of his God is in his heart; his steps do not slip.
Colossians 3:16
Let the word of Christ richly dwell within you, with all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with thankfulness in your hearts to God.
The verses above are scripture about memorizing scripture. I want to focus on Psalm 119:11. Psalm 119 like most psalms is a poem. This poem has 176 verses in it and is officially the longest chapter in the Bible. In this specific verse the psalmist expresses that he remembers the words of God and also gives us a reason for why he does so. The psalmist's reason for hiding God's word in his heart is so that he will not sin against God.
The reasons for hiding scripture in our hearts might seem silly since we are going to sin anyway because of our human nature. But as Christians we still strive to be like Christ even though we will never be perfect. Part of wanting to be like Christ is knowing what God's standards are and where else is better to find out where God keeps a list of standards than in the Bible. When we memorize scripture we can know the do's and don't's that God has laid out for his people. In this way we can become closer to him.
Other reasons for memorizing scripture
The reasons for memorizing the Word of God are not just to know God's list of do's and don't's but also for us to have for peace and comfort. God's word is not just a list of rules to follow but because he loves us he gives us words of encouragement also. Here are some verses of comfort.
Deuteronomy 31:8
The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”
Matthew 11:28
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.
Psalm 23:4
Even though I walk through the darkest valley,I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.
Another reason we memorize scripture is so that we can bring it to mind when we are anxious. I have a lot of anxiety about things that I cannot fix or do anything about because I am not the one in control. Although I cannot control the situations that cause my anxiety I can control how I deal with that anxiety. I like to use scripture to combat my anxiety. Below is some scripture to combat anxiety.
1 Peter 5:7
Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.
Philippians 4:6-7
Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
The last thing I want to mention about hiding God's Word in our hearts is the importance of it. Memorizing Bible verses is not only something that can help us but it can help others. Sometimes we do not have access to a Bible and people may ask us questions about or faith. Or maybe we are in a position where we cannot legally have a Bible on hand. (several countries have banned the Bible) When we hide God's Word in our hearts we can recite it at any time to help others who might need it. And the biggest kicker is that no one can take it away from us. You can snatch a Bible and keep them away from us but if the truths it holds are locked away in the hearts of His people then it cannot be removed from us. Therefore, we can carry a Bible with us everywhere we go and it cannot be stolen.
Overall, it is important that we memorize God's Word and "hide it in our hearts". It is a great responsibility as a Christian to hold the words of God on the keyring of our hearts. God's words are good for many things such as becoming closer to God, knowing the do's and don't's God has laid out for us, help in times of trouble or anxiety for comfort, and for having for ourselves to bring to others at anytime even if someone takes them from us.
So I challenge you to memorize scripture this year. Find some for encouragement and find some for comfort. Find some for teaching and correction. Place them all around your house and make them the screen saver on your phone. Ladies put them on your mirrors to see while you get ready, and men put them on your dashboard to see every time you get in your car for work. Make this year a year you will never forget because it will be full of scriptures on the key ring of your heart.